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USFS Absaroka-Beartooth § Authorized Actions

Number of authorized actions and persistent structures designed to manipulate plants, animals, pathogens, soil, water, or fire is a required measure under the authorized actions indicator. The authorized actions indicator is under the trammeling actions inside wilderness monitoring question for the untrammeled quality.

This measure is reported as a single value for report year.

The table here shows reported authorized actions trends at Absaroka-Beartooth. As ever, selected measures have filled grey circle, and colors indicate an upward, stable, or downward reported trend. Unselected measures can also be recorded, and are shown as hollow circles in the appropriate color.

2 Wilderness Character Trend Reports with 2 Recorded Trends
Report Year 2020 2025
Trend Direction
Trend p-Value None None
Measure Year 2019 2024
Reported Values
2019 23.00